Banner (ads) uploader module
The module “Banner (ads) uploader” was developed to enable easy uploading of banners – ads in your Prestashop. You can insert a banner in Prestashop: left column, right column, header, footer, footer circle line, home page, with products, or create an extra floating blocks.
Extra blocks will be floating in your page, while all you need to do is to set “x” and “y” of block position. When users scroll down the page – banner will be still visible. In such way visitors will always see your ads.
Footer slide-in banner – screen wide slide-in banner is formed from images in the bottom of the page. Allowed banner types: image (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif, *.bmp) and flash (*.swf). When you insert a banner, you can change banner position – just drag and drop as well as enter display time and quantity. Gathering advertising statistics is possible as well. You can show different banners with different languages. You can determine which user types will see ads: only registered, only unregistered or all users.
Module features
- Insert banner (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif, *.bmp, *.swf)
- Delete banner
- Update banner
- Insert banner link (open in current page or new window)
- Change banner status (disabled or enabled)
- Change banner position in block
- Change block position in page
- Change block status (disabled or enabled)
- Create extra floating blocks
- Set banner show time (start, end, unlimited)
- Set the banner display time frame
- Check banner’s quantity of impressions
- Choose block type: show one random banner in block or all of them
- Select banner languages
- Combine banners with products
- Set visibility type: registered, unregistered or all users
- Add footer circle line (one random image from list)
Install instruction
The installation of module is very simple. Login to Prestashop admin panel, click on “Modules” tab. Then click “Add a new module” link and upload “Banner (ads) uploader” module. After this just click “Install” button and it is done.
Uninstall instruction
Just click uninstall button in “Prestashop“ admin panel / modules.