Prestashop tutorials – users

How to create a new template in Prestashop?

Follow these simple steps: Go to the Prestashop catalog: “themes”, Copy default Prestashop theme: “prestashop” (or any other if you want), Rename new folder (no spaces nor special chars), Go to Prestashop admin panel and click on the “Preferences” tab and then the “Appearance” tab, Scroll down and change to...

How gets user information using “Prestashop” tools?

We need get global cookie variable: global $cookie; To check if user is logged in: refer to the cookie ”isLogged()”method [php] global $cookie; if(!$cookie->isLogged()) { echo 'Please login'; } else { echo 'Everything good'; } [/php] Get user’s id: $cookie->id_customer Get user’s first name: $cookie->customer_firstname Get user’s surname: $cookie->customer_lastname Get user’s email address: $cookie->email Get a language id: $cookie->id_lang Full sample: [php] global $cookie; if(!$cookie->isLogged()) { echo 'Please login'; exit; } else { ...

Prestashop cache - when modification do not see

Some people face problems when they try to update or modify their Prestashops. They update files, install modules, but these actions are not visible in Prestashop. This problem often occurs in new Prestashop version – 1.4, because Prestashop 1.4 uses new cache system, now caching with “Smarty” and “Memcached”. Some information about...

How to set send email from Prestashop using SMTP (gmail)?

Follow these simple steps: Login to admin panel, Click on “ Preferences” and then on “Email” tab, Select “Set my own SMTP parameters”. “For advanced users ONLY” radio button, SMTP server: your SMPT server, if using Gmail insert – “”, SMTP user: your email address, e.g., SMTP password: email password, Encryption: Gmail uses “TLS”, Port: Gmail uses...

Prestashop Quick Access - fix "Invalid security token"

PrestaShop admin panel has quick menu to your favorites pages, at the right-top of every page of the PrestaShop back-office. The "Quick Access" menu administration page enables you to create customized shortcuts, and make your navigation within the administration area much more comfortable and faster. You can open page in...

How add google banner (Adsense)?

AdSense allows putting a snippet of code on your site that enables Google to place adverts relevant to the keywords on your page. When your customers click on an advert (banner), Google pays you. First you need to generate banner code: When you get a banner code you can use the standard Prestashop...

How to run search-friendly URL in Prestashop?

Follow these simple steps: Go to Prestashop admin panel and click on the “Preferences” tab, Then scroll down to “Friendly URL” and click on “Enable”, then “Save”, Create a .htaccess blank file in prestashop root DIR, Provide required permissions (CHMOD 666 on Unix system, in Windows OS it is generally not required), Click on the...

How to add new (change) footer links?

Follow these simple steps: Login to admin panel, Click on “Tools” and then on “CMS”, Click on “Add new” button, Insert page information, parameters and save page, Click on “Modules” tab, Prestashop 1.3.x (and lower version) : go to “Blocks“ tab, click on „Footer links block“ Prestashop 1.4.x: go to “Front Office Features” tab, click on “CMS block”, Select new page...

How to change default image size?

How to insert new size: Login to admin panel, Click on the “Preferences“ and on the “Image” tab, Click “Add new” button, Insert resized image name and parameters, select categories, Click “save” button. How to edit: Click on “Edit” button, Set new parameters, Save new parameters, Go to bottom page, Create new image size – click on button “Regenerate thumbnails“.

Watermark with prestashop

If you wish to add watermark on products’ photos, you just need to install basic Prestashop module – “Watermark”. When you install the module, set the position of the watermark and transparency as well as choose image types for watermark protection. Important: this module supports only *.gif format images. It inserts watermark only...