Wish Pro module

With the “Wish Pro” module, you can easily integrate Prestashop products to
Using our module you can auto sync product stock, price, images, description and other product parameters.
This module will provide a lot of flexibility with product filters. This way you will be able to select only the products you want.
Using affiliate systems can also provide different prices to Wish users. You only need to enter the formula to calculate the price (ex. price – 10 or price + (price * 15 / 100)).
For your convenience, we provide to you a lot of purchase statistics. You will be able to see in Prestashop which products are the most popular among Wish users.
When a new order is fetched from Wish, you will be able to receive order information at the module.
If any invalid product will be rejected, then a full error message with explanations will be provided to you.
This way, you can quickly and conveniently solve problems and the module will automatically reupload the product.
Why Wish?
With offices around the globe from the United States to Europe, Wish is one of the largest cross-border eCommerce marketplaces.
For the last three years, Wish has been the most downloaded global shopping app. Selling on Wish enables you to reach more than 100+ countries and hundreds of millions of consumers (about 500 million).
Number of Wish monthly active users: 90 million. Percentage of first time Wish customers that return to buy: 80%. Reported Wish revenue for 2018: $1.9 billion. Reported value of Wish: $11.2 billion.
Module features
- Export products from Prestashop to the Wish store
- Auto sync products
- Filter by product status
- Filter by price range
- Filter by quantity
- Filter by manufacturer
- Filter by supplier
- Filter by individual product list
- Filter by categories
- Filter by “on sale” status
- Set custom delivery time for Wish users
- Set custom product price for Wish users
- Set product url tracking code for Wish users
- Get orders information automatically
- Detailed sales statistics
- Ability to select the image type, laguage, description, currency
- Sandbox mode for testing
- Crontab (cronjob)
- Cron from url
- total sold by date
- total amount by date
- most popular products
- most refunded products
- most popular categories
- most popular delivery countries
- products with the best profit margin
Install instruction
The installation of the module is very simple. Login to the Prestashop admin panel, click on the “Modules” tab. Then, click on the “Add a new module” link and upload the “Wish Pro” module. After this, just click on the “Install” button and you are done.
Uninstall instruction
Just click “uninstall” button in Prestashop admin panel / modules.